ParcelDealz API

For your development team: Easily connect ParcelDealz via our API.

ParcelDealz is easiest to integrate via our API. Only a few pieces of information are required and this interface can be integrated into any LVS, ERP or merchandise management system.

Find out how shipping labels are generated and printed at your company. In most cases, the carriers are connected with their interfaces in the warehouse management system. As a rule, routines already exist here to request and print a label via API!

When should the ParcelDealz label be generated and printed? 

Shipping labels are usually printed in the last step of order picking at the packing station. The trigger here can be "Picking completed". With this the package can be closed and the shipping label can be printed.
Since the ParcelDealz label is not to be attached, but rather added to the parcel with a carrier film, the request and printing of the label must take place earlier. There are already triggers for this in the respective logistics process/system. Usually, the trigger "Provision of invoice printing" should be used for this. Whenever invoices or delivery bills are to be enclosed in the process, the package is still open and goods accompanying documents can be fed. Therefore, orient ParcelDealz to the invoice printout of your LVS/WMS.
These processes are different in all warehouses. We are happy to support you in carrying out this coordination with the right colleagues in your company.

Implement the API call with the identified trigger and transmit at least the two mandatory parameters custAddrZip and custAddrCountry in the JSON body of a POST RESTful API call.

ParcelDealz provides every interested publisher an endpoint for extensive interface testing.

Actually all warehouse management systems are able to execute print commands for PDFs on respectively configured label printers and have existing routines for this purpose. Use these routines to print ParcelDealz labels on the existing printers. 

API Documentation

Get personalized label




string non-empty

Postleitzahl des Endkunden, für den das ParcelDealz Label erstellt wird.

Ex: "80337"



string non-empty

Country of the end customer for whom the ParcelDealz label is created.

Ex: " Germany "


string non-empty

Geschlecht des Endkunden, für den das ParcelDealz Label erstellt wird.

Preferably, the information should be transmitted in the following coding:

"0" = male

"1" = female

"2" = unknown/unisex

Other gender identifiers, such as from the salutation, are possible.

Bsp: „2“


string non-empty

Name des Endkunden, vorzugsweise nur der Vorname.

Bsp: „Theodor“



Zur Identifizierung von B2B-Kunden

Bsp: „true“


array of strings

Unique item numbers of the products purchased by the end customer.

Ex: „0123479272552-2“


Authorization: X-API-Key 

Payload Example:

Content type: application/json



RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/pdf


Lediglich die zwei Parameter „custAddrZip“ und „custAddrCountry“ sind required. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Informationen als string übergeben werden, um diesen Fehler zu vermeiden

In case of problems with authentication contact ParcelDealz

Zu viele Anfragen – dies passiert, wenn Versender über 5 Anfragen die Sekunde oder 200 Anfragen pro Minute senden.

Diese Response erhalten Sie, wenn wir kein Label generieren konnten. Ursache hierfür kann auch sein, dass es nicht ausreichend viele Kampagnen gibt. Bitte wenden Sie sich diesbezüglich an uns.

Example cURL

Sie möchten die ParcelDealz API unkompliziert testen? Dann nehmen Sie zu uns Kontakt auf und Sie erhalten einen API Key.

As a payload in the response you will receive the ParcelDealz label as a PDF. 

					curl --location --request POST  \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--output 'ParcelDealz_Sample_Label.pdf' \
--data-raw '{

Output example

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